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Annually we do missionary expeditions in Mozambique, there are 4 to 5 annual expeditions of 15 to 20 days directly with brothers from Brazil and the world who come to have an incredible experience with us.  

It is in these expeditions, in addition to an incredible experience, there is a change in the life of the person who participates. Involvement with people not reached by the gospel, visits to villages, services in other cultures, children served, humanitarian aid and blessing even a lifetime with your presence!

The expedition is an incredible opportunity , where you can also offer what God has entrusted to you to bless, in art, in your profession, in the gifts and talents that the Kingdom can benefit from!

And there? Want to go on an expedition in Mozambique with us? I guarantee it will be an amazing experience!

Note: We will give you all advice on how to get to Mozambique!

Fill out the form and we'll get back to you! Click here!

Download Our Africa Expedition Handbook 2021, run while there's still time.


God has promises for Brazil and we believe that he is opening the opportunity to Sertanejos for them to know our Lord Jesus Christ! In this arid place of immense needs, there are promises from God, see:

Isaiah 41: "18. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of valleys; I will make the desert lakes of water, and the dry land springs of water. 19. I will plant in the desert cedar, acacia, and myrtle, and Olive tree; I will set the beech, the pine, and the poplar in the desert together.

In 2020 we formatted the Base do Sertão do Nordeste which is located in Taboleiro Grande / RN to receive brothers from all over Brazil and the world for expeditions to help the sertanejos and advance with the gospel in this region, through people like you who love for people to know Jesus.

If you want to be in the Sertão on an expedition, fill in our form and we will contact you and it will be a pleasure to receive you! Click here!

Learn more about our Expedition in the Sertão! Download our manual!

Many have already participated with us! 

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"It was a tremendously wonderful experience , I'm sure if you're there, your life will be  transformed like mine was!"

For Sandra Borba
Pastor and Missionary in Pato Branco - PA

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Brazil: +55 (84) 99692-1000 whatsapp

Follow us on the networks

Brazil: +55 (84) 3190 -1232 Office

Mozambique: +258 (84) 5586508

800 5915276 - Free call 

Want to know more about our programs and our bases? Click the button below!

SEDEX and PAC - Deadline to be defined according to the Post Office or Carrier. Corporate Name: Mãos para as Nações - CNPJ: 20.339.654/0001-51 - Address Brazil: Av. Alexandre Soares, 87  ground floor - Center  - Taboleiro Grande / RN CEP 59.840-000 - Brazil - Mozambique Address: Muhaivire, Muhala Expansão, UC Napacala, Qd 03, House 01 - City of Nampula - Mozambique - Africa

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